Benefits All In celebrates the communities we work and live in. We do this by showing our support through volunteerism and donating resources. We’re proud to serve and support organizations in the Cincinnati region that align with our mission and core values.

DePaul Cristo Rey High School, sponsored by the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, meets students where they are and guides them through becoming high school and college graduates who flourish. They partner with businesses and the community to provide a uniquely affordable Catholic, college prep curriculum and innovative work study program, which combine to form young women and men of integrity, faith, tenacity and purpose. LEARN MORE

Shine Like Sable is on a mission to spread kindness through weekend and weekday food packs, buddy bench awareness, coordination of needs with teachers…wherever someone needs kindness. The Shine Like Sable Foundation honors the memory of Sable Paige Gibson. The primary focus is on paying forward with kindness, just like Sable so often did for her classmates. LEARN MORE

United Way fights for the health, education and financial stability of every person in our community by LIVING UNITED. By forging unlikely partnerships. By finding new solutions to old problems. By mobilizing the best resources. And inspiring individuals to join the fight. We’re proud to help support them in their efforts. LEARN MORE